Links the World of Sports

Sport Despite Corona Crisis: The Best Links for Fitness Freaks

The corona crisis is making bad headlines. At the same time there are many encouraging actions and ideas from the outdoor and sports world for athletes and for health and exercise in society. collects the best online ideas for the perfect fitness workout at home

UYN Gives Workout Tips

Even if you stay at home, you can still improve your condition a lot! The sporting goods brand UYN has put together several training programs for running, biking and fitness and uploaded corresponding videos on its YouTube channel.

Keller Sports Starts Challenges via App

The planned (half) marathon was cancelled? Nevertheless, the preparation was not in vain! Keller Sports is now launching a variety of challenges in its Keller sMiles app, which everyone can tackle on their own. From walks to short runs within the current restrictions, the Keller sMiles app can be used to track and collect points. These can then be redeemed for exclusive rewards. The app is available for Android.

Keller Sports also provides exclusive home challenges with Imke Salander, core training with Katharina Kosatschek, specific workouts for runners, cyclists and outdoor athletes and other indoor inspiration.

Mit der Keller sMiles App können Läufer und Radfans Punkte und damit Rabatte sammeln.

Exhale Pilates Offers Free Pilates

Exhale Pilates takes Pilates back to basics with traditional methods and equipment. Now they offer more of the same online for free. Their Instagram Lives focus on breathing, stretching and loosening home office stiffness.

London’s most popular boxing studio Kobox started the #FightBackChallenge on Instagram. In a workoud schedule that spreads several weeks, Kobox offers live workout sessions via Instagram.

Barry's Bootcamp Offers Free Full Body Workouts

Barry's classes are usually a 60 minute split of treadmill work and floor work involving weights. Since studios in the UK are now closed, Barry's has taken the ethos of its workouts and distilled it into free 30 minute, online Instagram Live classes. The schedule is regularly posted on the Barry's UK Instagram account.

Free Training Schedule for Workout at Home

Routines help to get through turbulent times. That's how Freeletics sees it and helps with a free one-week training plan to get into regular daily fitness training at home.

20 Percent Discount at Casall

"No Gym"? No worrys" writes Casall on his website and currently offers a 20 percent discount on all home training equipment.
