Guide for the digitization of sports companies

How companies benefit from the Digital Readiness Check

The Digital Readiness Check for the sports sector has been online for about three months. Many sports retailers and manufacturers have already used the free tool to check the digital development of their company.

The Digital Readiness Check is aimed at all retailers and manufacturers in the sports industry and serves as an assessment of their position on the path to digital transformation. The online question tool was developed especially for the innovation project ISPO Digitize, under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Karl Peter Fischer from HAM Hochschule für angewandtes Management.

The check can be carried out in about 20 to 30 minutes. Target group are decision makers and executives in companies. Digital expertise is not necessary to answer the questions. The result then provides a large overview of all the important aspects that retailers and manufacturers should consider for the digital transformation.

Once the status of digitisation has been determined, recommendations for action can be derived, benchmarks set and prioritisations carried out. Here the ISPO Digitize Summit (28.-29.6.2018) offers a platform to meet new partners on the way to the digital future and build up corresponding know-how.
