Sports Business/12/04/2015

Alibaba appoints manager for Germany

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Chinese online group Alibaba wants to take on the European market. As such, two top positions have been established: Terry von Bibra, former manager of Karstadt, will be the head of Alibaba in Germany. In France, Sebastien Badault is moving to the top.

Alibabas Group Campus in Hanghzou
Alibabas Group Campus in Hanghzou

Alibaba hopes to be active in Europe, with the Chinese online group’s objective being to “be a gateway to China for international brands and companies of all sizes,” wrote Alibaba in a press release. In keeping with this, partnerships are to be concluded with European companies.

Former Amazon manager

This task will likely fall primarily to the two newcomers, von Bibra and Badault.

Prior to his time at Karstadt, von Bibra held senior positions with Amazon and Yahoo. He will manage the Germany offices from Munich. Like his German counterpart, Badault, who has also worked for Amazon as well as Google, will seek out products best suited for the Chinese market.

Alibaba has some 400 million customers with its online platforms in this market. On the Chinese “Singles Day,” the biggest shopping event in the world, the group alone achieved a turnover of 14.3 billion US dollars on November 11, 2015. In terms of the sports business, Alibaba already collaborates with Bayern Munich and Real Madrid.

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