Winter sports/11/23/2016

Winter Sports Site Ischgl Bans Wearing Ski Boots at Night

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The winter sports heartland Ischgl, in western Austria, is banning the wearing of ski boots – at least between eight at night and six in the morning, no ski boots may be worn in the village center.

Winter sports region Ischgl, whose municipal council actually had issued a ski boot ban.
Winter sports region Ischgl, whose municipal council actually had issued a ski boot ban.

An announcement that seems odd, and is already spreading rapidly on social networks. According to the post by the German comedian Harry G, it only drew scorn and derision for the winter sports region Ischgl, whose municipal council actually had issued a ski boot ban. 

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The ski boot ban by the Ischgl community

You can find the entire decision here. As is to be gathered from the ordinance, skis, ski poles, and snowboards also may no longer be worn through the heart of town if they are not being transported directly to an automobile or accommodations. 

Those who still wear ski boots will pay a 2,000 euro fine

So, the community is giving skiers scarcely four hours after the last departure to get new footgear before going to the après-ski party in the village center. Those who don’t comply may have to pay up: 2,000 euros for strolling around with ski boots once – that’s nearly three season tickets (which cost a total of 2,247 euros).

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