Whether it's Strava-Challenges (here you can even create your own challenges), a Freeletics Burpees-Challenge or a privately arranged streakrunning challenge - such challenges bring variety, fun and goals into the currently somewhat monotonous everyday life. Try it out with your favourite sport.
For those who like it less competitive, but still need a goal, it might be something to think in projects. A good example is the Suunto Street Art Runs. Here the hometown is constantly being rediscovered - the focus is on the best street art spots. Already pre-designed routes offers Suunto among others for Munich, Barcelona and Turin.
"If I'm going to spend all day in front of the computer, I don't want to do it on my own time", okay, that's a good point. Nevertheless, we believe that online workshops, workouts and talks with athletes and experts can provide new motivation for your own sport.
That's why there will be online events for everyone at the ISPO Munich Online trade fair. If you want to be part of ISPO Munich Online, just subscribe to our monthly editorial letter "Perspectives of Sports and Outdoor". This will keep you up to date and let you know in time when tickets are available.
The year 2020 shows us all that health is the greatest good. And this is where sport comes in: Anyone who before or after the home office decides to take a lap outside not only strengthens the immune system, heart and circulation, but also improves the blood flow to the brain. In short: Sport makes you healthier and smarter.
But you can also keep your body and mind fresh in your own four walls with yoga, meditation and pilates sessions. Switching off provides balance, counteracts everyday stress and is the perfect complement to intensive workouts.

You meet fewer people? Then just get them on your ears. There are now countless podcasts that provide inspiration for everyday sports or offer meditations, health tips or wellness. In the podcast "How To Be Superhuman" for instance, Bob Pope talks to endurance athletes about their inspiring performances every Monday. Fitness and nutrition for vegans are the topics of the Podcast "No MeatAthlete Radio".
One or the other has been using apps in his training for a long time anyway. In Corona winter it is worth thinking twice about it. Because training apps with built-in reminder functions can give the final kick during phases of low motivation. In addition, many fitness or wellness apps offer training plans, which in turn create a framework with a time commitment. If many appointments / meetings are cancelled, this plan helps to structure the daily routine.
And of course there are also many apps with incentive systems. Relativelynew on the market here is active giving. Those who track their workout here contribute to the planting of trees.
Perhaps you've heard of it: Biohacking. It is about tracking the vital signals of your own body (pulse, temperature, respiratory rate, etc.), for example with a Smartwach, and to adapt your lifestyle based on the measured data. Does it make sense, based on the signals of the body, to refrain from intensive sports activities or to consciously take a time-out or change something in the diet? Such decisions should be supported by biohacking.
The corona lockdowns result in a relatively steady course of life, therefore this winter is a good time to start with biohacking. You can find a documentary about a man who takes the concept to the extreme on the ABC Science Channel on YouTube.
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