Bloggers Walks Connect influencers and businesses

In the Video: How Bloggers Experience ISPO Munich 2019

ISPO Munich 2019 actively networks bloggers with the sports business. On Blogger Walks both sides can get to know each other. We asked bloggers for their opinion about the event.

Bastian Brutzer ( "This is my fourth year at ISPO Munich and I’ve been participating in the blogger events for the last four years. What’s really great is that you get to meet different people from all sections.."

Biggi Bauer ( "I will do mostly Instagram because my followers know that I am at ISPO Munich right now. That means that they would like to have a live-coverage. So I am on my mobile on Instagram and I am showing my followers what I am doing."

Marius Quast ( "This area here where we can sit, where we can work, where we can swap ideas is really good. And the walks that they are offering really help accessing brands and that is just great."
