Running: Insurance Group Expanding Engagement in Running Sports

Munich Marathon: Generali Becomes Title Sponsor

Starting 2018, the Munich Marathon will have a title sponsor at its start for the first time in its history. Starting in 2018, the tradition-steeped running event will be called the Generali Munich Marathon. By doing so, the insurance company continues to expand its engagement in sports sponsorship.

The Munich Marathon has been around since 1983, and has been organized by runabout München Marathon GmbH since 2000. Generali has already been among the marathon’s main sponsors since 2016 (others include: BMW, the Munich Airport, and the state capitol). 

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The insurance company has now secured the rights to title sponsorship for the Munich Marathon for three years. This has shifted the event to the top of the national sponsorship strategy “Generali Moves Germany,” in which Generali is set to become a partner of the four marathon events in Munich, Berlin, Cologne, and Frankfurt.

The next Munich Marathon will take place on October 8, 2017 .

Read here: The Five Most Beautiful Marathons in Europe >>>

Gunnar Jans