Fully automatic bike wash for stores and rentals

ISPO Award: Wintersteiger Velobrush Bike Wash Station

The ISPO Award not only honors products for consumers. B2B solutions are also evaluated at the jury meetings that take place four times a year. The most recent example is an automatic bike wash station for professional use in bike rental and service workshops.

Especially as a mountain biker, you know that a cleaning of the bike after a ride through the terrain can be quite time-consuming. It can easily take 20 to 30 minutes to remove dirt from the drive, chain, frame and tires. For the hobby biker, the time required to care for his sports equipment may not be a problem.

The situation is completely different in commercial bike rental or the service workshop of a bike store. When all rental bikes are returned at the end of the day, the bikes must be technically checked and spotlessly cleaned for the next day. Even if only ten bikes are made fit for the following day, this requires 3-4 working hours, depending on the condition of the bikes. The effort and costs are correspondingly higher for larger rental companies with a bike fleet of 20 rental bikes and more.

The Wintersteiger company has recognized the need for automation in bicycle cleaning. With the Velobrush, the company from Austria offers a fully automatic washing system for professional bike rental and the service workshop of a bike store. The system cleans up to 25 bikes in one hour. The time saved compared to manual cleaning is enormous.

How the Velobrush works

Bicycle parts such as brakes, gears, suspension forks and shocks, and especially the electronics of e-bikes, are sensitive high-tech components. If these are cleaned manually with a standard steam jet, there is a risk that the high water pressure will damage the bearings and components. A high-quality carbon frame also requires a cleaning technique that is gentle on the material.

The Wintersteiger Velobrush therefore works with low-pressure and gentle brush technology. The cleaning system contains horizontal rotary brushes and a separate cleaning unit for tires and rims. The unit is designed as a closed system so that no water escapes during the cleaning process. The water used during the bike wash is cleaned and reused by a filter system. This saves resources and costs.

Simple and ergonomic handling

Operating the system is extremely simple for the service employee. The bike is moved into the Bike Wash Station with the help of a transport carriage. This minimizes the workload because the bike does not have to be lifted. Four different washing programs are available for the cleaning process, which can be configured individually. The system, in which all types of bicycles can be cleaned, is equipped with wheels.

"One of the key requirements was to develop a machine that washes all common types of bicycles efficiently but also, above all, gently. That's why we don't work under high pressure in any sensitive area. The machine is just as suitable for e-bikes as for bikes with other electronic components. Bearings are also not damaged, which significantly reduces wear, especially in rental operations."
Patrick Hackl, Product Management Bike & Services

These four features convinced the ISPO Award jury

  • Time-saving in bike service: 25 bikes per hour
  • Simple and ergonomic operation
  • Low water and energy consumption
  • Environmentally friendly treatment and disposal of wastewater
"With this bike wash, you can tell that a lot of experience has gone into the product. In addition to cleaning the bikes gently, Wintersteiger has also ensured that the system is resource-friendly and easy to operate. "
Dr. Regina Henkel, ISPO Award Jury Member & Editor ISPO.com

Key Data

    •    Cleans 25 bikes/h
    •    Weight: 1.120 kg (without filling)
    •    Filling capacity: 400 liters
    •    Size: 2.43 x 1.74 x 1.82 m
    •    Price: starting from 49.990 €

Andi Spies