Product reviews/05/21/2024

ISPO Award Winner 2024: The Elevate Liner Hood from Peak Performance

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Minimizing fabric waste, focusing on mono-materiality, and ease of repair - these were Peak Performance's priorities when designing the Elevate Liner Hood. The result is more than impressive in terms of longevity and style, reflecting the brand's dedication to sustainable practices.

Winner of the ISPO Award 2024: The Elevate Liner Hood from Peak Performance.

The design and development of the Elevate Liner Hood have been guided by very clear objectives: to maximize the use of materials by reducing fabric waste in production through design and construction; to enable easy repair; and to ensure that the majority of the weight of the product is mono-material, ensuring recyclability at the end of its life. The findings from the development of Elevate Liner Hood will be applied to future products. 

Mono-material, repairability, and minimized fabric waste

Unlike traditional technical outdoor garments, the Elevate Liner Hood is made of 97% mono-material, which simplifies recycling and reuse at the end of its lifespan. The remaining 3% comprises selected enhancements like cuff elastics, hood elastics, and zip teeth, ensuring durability and comfort during demanding outdoor activities. These components are easily removable to further facilitate the recycling process. 

Crafted for durability and demanding outdoor activities, the Elevate Liner Hood is designed for easy repairability. Featuring details like the YKK Easy Repair Top Stop slider and a color-matched repair patch in the pocket, the Elevate Liner Hood extends the notion of durable outdoor gear.  

An essential goal during the development of Elevate Liner Hood was to minimize fabric waste in production. While the industry standard is around 80% marker efficiency, through its innovative low-waste pattern design, the Elevate Liner Hood succeeds in reaching a marker efficiency of 90%. Surpassing industry benchmarks by almost 10%, this achievement sets a new standard in resourcefulness.

Constructed with durable ripstop fabric, it offers water repellency and wind protection, while its lofty synthetic insulation provides a high warmth-to-weight ratio, even in damp conditions. The innovative hood and sleeve construction add to its functionality and versatility. 

The jacket has reduced waste, improved repairability and uses mono-material.
Image credit:
Peak Performance

3D development process and extended warranty

The jacket’s development spanned two years of collaboration with Peak Performance’s manufacturing partner in Vietnam. The development process involved several iterations using 3D models to clarify ideas without developing physical samples. This process also saves on transport and other resources. 

Furthermore, Peak Performance offers the WearAgains pre-owned program as well as an extended warranty of five years for all Peak Performance members. Anticipating a product lifespan exceeding ten years, these efforts underscore the brand's commitment to longevity. 

The jacket will be available for men and women in a range of colors from September 2024. 

The jacket is available in different colors as a men's and women's version.
Image credit:
Peak Performance

That convinced the jury:

  • Reduction of production waste, reaching a marker efficiency of 90%  
  • Use of 97% mono-material 
  • Easy repairability 
  • Lightweight, high warmth-to-weight ratio, and comfortable design for versatile use 

Statement from Peak Performance:

"The Elevate Liner Hood project allowed us to challenge conventions and set a precedent for future innovations in resource efficiency. The reduced waste was achieved by reconsidering the layout development, and by integrating that into the design process, we turned the problem into the design expression itself. Being recognized with an ISPO award is an honor and a testament to our team’s hard work and tireless dedication, inspiring us, and hopefully inspiring others to take our findings to the next level.”
Erik Stensson, Designer at Peak Performance

What the jury said:

"Many measures have been implemented in this jacket that lead to better sustainability. In particular, the improved repairability is important to extend the life of the product. The look is also timeless and the wider cut makes the jacket particularly versatile".
ISPO Award Jury
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