- Abdominal muscle training is good for your health
- Abdominal muscles support weight loss
- The abdominal muscle training is whole body training
- You get a six pack
- Abdominal training has a positive effect on your psyche
- The workout stimulates your digestion
- Suitable for any fitness level
- Training abdominal muscles is fun
- The training can be combined well with other sports
- Abdominal muscles can be trained anytime and anywhere
The abdominal muscles form the center of the body and are also the natural counterpart to the back muscles. Actively strengthening both muscle groups stabilizes the entire musculoskeletal system and relieves pressure on the spine. This effectively prevents back problems and damage to intervertebral discs.
At the same time, the abdominal workout activates the cardiovascular system, which in turn reduces the risk of arterial calcification and thus of infarctions.
If you want to start the summer "belly-free", you have to stand up to the winter flab beforehand. This succeeds by high fat burning training of the abdominal muscles, which ideally goes hand in hand with a reduced calorie intake. This ensures that the pounds actually fall off.
After that, it is "only" a matter of specifically modeling the abdominal muscles to achieve the desired dream figure. After all, losing weight only really pays off with abdominal muscle training - as the looks on the beach prove.
Abdominal muscles are one of the smaller muscle groups in the body. If you strengthen them specifically, for example with sit-ups or crunches, you automatically train the larger muscle groups of the back, chest and legs as well. Abdominal muscle training is therefore always also healthy strength training for the whole body.
For many fitness athletes, the aesthetics of a defined abdomen are the greatest motivation for abdominal training - after all, washboard abs and six-packs are considered the epitome of the athletic body. For women, too, the desire for a slim waist and beautifully defined abdominal muscles is paramount.

Attractiveness means well-being and well-being means health. This causal chain is confirmed by studies conducted by the University of Cincinnati in 2014, which examined 15,000 men and women between the ages of 24 and 35.
As one of the causes, it is assumed that the positive feedback in the circle of friends ultimately also has a positive effect on the psyche and thus on health. Well-trained abdominal muscles can therefore be doubly beneficial to health.
The targeted movement of the intestinal tract directly below the abdominal muscles stimulates metabolism and digestion. This prevents constipation, and any problems with bowel movements are solved. Flatulence can also be treated well with abdominal muscle training.
Training the abdominal muscles requires neither prior knowledge nor training equipment. In many bodyweight exercises, the abdominal muscles are also trained, such as in the classics squats and push-ups. For a higher training effect, the abdominals should be repeatedly tensed during the exercises.
Abdominal muscle training can be varied and fun - so it doesn't always have to be sit-ups. The abdominal muscles are also gently trained during endurance sports such as jogging, cycling or swimming.
The abdominal muscle training becomes particularly sociable when dancing and other fitness exercises with music, such as Zumba. Intensive singing with the conscious use of the diaphragm also trains the abdominal wall. You notice it in the hunger afterwards.

Less sweaty than targeted strength training, abdominal training can be combined with yoga and Pilates. All stretching exercises require a stable body center, which promotes and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The same applies to balancing.
Even if you don't have much time, you don't have to miss out on training your abdominal muscles, because it can be done in parallel with many other activities. Simply tense and relax the abdominal muscles every now and then in between on the office chair, while waiting for the bus or in a traffic jam, while cooking or shopping. The process can be repeated as often as you like.
One of the most popular and well-known exercises for the abdominal muscles also raises the question of the correct execution. If you follow the steps below, you will be able to perform your sit-ups correctly.
Doing Sit-Ups Correctly - Our Instructions:
- Lie on your back
- Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart at a 90-degree angle.
- Clasp your hands behind your head
- Tense your abdominal muscles
- Slowly straighten your upper body
The correct execution is crucial. The power to lift your body should not come from your legs, but from your abdominal muscles. You don't have to clasp your hands behind your head, but you can also lean them crossed in front of your chest.
A strong core not only looks good, but also keeps you fit, has a positive effect on digestion and prevents illness. Those who regularly train their abdominal muscles are doing something good for their health and their body.
Ready for the training? But not without knowing everything! In our FAQ below we answer the most frequently asked questions related to abdominal muscles and core training.
You can train your abdomen three times a week. Take at least one day off between workouts to promote recovery. The more training experience you have, the more often you can train your abdomen.
For women, the same rules apply as for men: regular training, avoid hollow back when doing abdominal exercises, pay attention to breathing and train the other muscles as well. The only difference: the sportswear. Women should wear a sports bra during training to protect the tissue.
Everyone has abdominal muscles, but you can't see them. The reason: the layer of fat hides the muscles. If you want to make your abdominal muscles visible, you need to focus on a protein diet with few carbohydrates and a calorie deficit. The training must not take a back seat.
The abdominal muscles should be exercised like any other muscle. But what many people don't know: If you focus your training on exercises like deadlifts or bench presses, you also train your abdominal muscles when you train your back or chest.
There is no one best exercise, but you should not focus too much on sit-ups. This exercise is one of the best known and most popular, but is considered less effective compared to roll-ins, mountain climbers and toe touches.
- Know-HowThe 11 Best TRX Exercises
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