
Zumba: 10 reasons for the dance workout

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Zumba dancing and Zumba as a workout are very trendy, because it is a slightly different workout. It combines dance and training in a sporty frenzy of joie de vivre. Developed by Colombian fitness trainer Alberto Perez in the 1990s, this workout trend now inspires millions of recreational athletes around the world. lists ten good reasons to start with Zumba.

Zumba: sport, fun and health

Zumba is a group sport. Zumba is fun. Zumba keeps you fit. You move to appropriate music during a strenuous workout and leave the gym feeling proud. The good feeling after finishing a hard workout also strengthens your mental fitness. Health is not just about being physically fit, it's about feeling good overall and strengthening your health consciousness. Zumba provides variety and you free your mind from the stress of everyday life.

What is Zumba?

The dance sport has its roots in South America and is based on elements of aerobics and international dances. The rhythms of salsa, tango, flamenco and other dances are combined with aerobic and interval training. The sequence of the dance workout depends on the particular program and variation.


Zumba dancing is strength training for health

The fitness dance Zumba places high demands on the musculoskeletal system and is thus considered a highly effective workout. This is also confirmed by sports physicians. Dr. Perikles Simon, Head of Sports Medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, states at "The flexible movements during dancing not only address the large muscle groups, but also smaller muscle groups that are particularly important for stabilizing the torso. Zumba is thus suitable for preventing back pain. At the same time, it gets the cardiovascular system going and trains coordination.

Why Zumba dancing is so sweaty and demanding is best understood when you try it yourself.


Zumba Fitness means losing weight while dancing

Due to the high intensity of the rhythmic movements, Zumba burns a particularly large number of calories. Anyone who wants to lose weight is therefore in the right place in the courses. Depending on physical constitution and program, a consumption of up to 1,000 calories per hour is considered realistic.


The motivation comes with Zumba as if by itself

Zumba is a group sport, and there are courses of various kinds in almost all larger fitness studios. Since you always dance and train with like-minded people, a very special pull is created. While the lone fighter on the treadmill or during weight training on the machines always has to overcome himself anew, the anticipation of the next workout drives the Zumba athletes back to the gym almost by itself.


Dance and sports - the ideal combination

The combination of dance and sports, rhythm, music and hard workout stands for pure joy of life. Taking part in the course is fun, and at the same time participants quickly feel the positive effect on health and fitness. Unlike boot camp or other HIIT training, for example, Zumba Fitness is a more playful way to train your body.


Zumba is strength training rich in variations

Zumba has two ways of variation, so this form of fitness and strength training in the gym will not get boring so quickly. On the one hand, there are different variations of the dance itself, for example Zumba Sentao, which involves a chair in the workout. On the other hand, there is always the possibility of qualifying as a Zumba instructor and thus perhaps holding training courses yourself.


Feel good factor in the group

In the gym, anyone interested in Zumba should be able to find the right group of participants for them. Zumba Gold, for example, is aimed primarily at older participants, while Zumbatomic is aimed at the younger target group of under-twelve-year-olds. Another special feature is that Zumba classes in Germany - unlike in South and North America - are primarily taken by women. Many of the ladies enjoy escaping prying eyes here.


Zumba as a statement and attitude to life

Avowed Zumba fans can openly flaunt their love for their sport. Over the years, an independent fashion style has developed that clearly shows the joy of life and the enthusiasm for the fitness trend: loose cuts, fresh, often bright colors, and the Zumba logo. Of course, there's also the matching shoes, which for sporty reasons largely do without tread soles.


Love for music

No other fitness sport is as closely linked to music as Zumba. Many musical styles are incorporated into Zumba music, for example raggeaton, salsa and merengue, but also flamenco, mambo, samba and many more. Each song has its own choreography, in which the dancers can also participate. Zumba fans can also purchase the songs of the season on CD / DVD and become active at home or at parties beyond the gym.


Zumba is socializing

Zumba is all about having fun together and enjoying the dance. Thanks to the Latin American rhythms alone, there is a party atmosphere despite the hard workout. This feeling also carries over after the classes. The affinity of the participants leads to new contacts and new friendships. With Zumba, socializing is the program.


Zumba Fitness is the perfect balance

For some, Zumba is the ideal balance to the sedentary work at the job, for others to the strictly timed weight training on the fitness machines. Dancing clears your head and gives you new energy for life. And in addition one burns also still each quantity of calories. Strengthening health thus relates to both mind and body. Zumba not only prevents back pain and damaged intervertebral discs, but also the feeling of stress and a possible burnout.


Zumba is fun and suitable for all ages. The comprehensive offer is aimed at a wide range of sports preferences and brings variety. The joint training in the group provides additional motivation.


Below we answer frequently asked questions about Zumba.

Is there Zumba for beginners?

Fitness studios offer beginner and trial courses for those interested. The offer includes different types of Zumba and is aimed at different age groups.

How many calories do you burn with Zumba?

The calorie consumption depends on the Zumba program. On average, the dance sport burns between 300 and 500 calories per hour. Latino Zumba burns up to 1,000 calories per hour.

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