
The new promotional video from BLACKYAK is like nothing you’ve ever seen before

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The outdoor label BLACKYAK is quite special, and has some big plans in store for Europe. Their new promo video says this loud and clear. Rather than putting their latest products at the center of attention, the Korean market leader opted to explain the philosophy behind them – namely, the experiences they’ve gained over four decades worth of Himalaya-proven outdoor expertise.

Billowing clouds glide over majestic mountains. Yaks bathe in a Himalayan river. Mesmerizing forces of nature that challenge athletes, pushing them to the limit – these images dominate BLACKYAKS new promo video.

Instead of focusing on BLACKYAK products, the video goes to the deepest and most significant level: the innovations, fibers and materials that give birth to BLACKYAK outdoor equipment. “Driven by innovation” is their motto.

Extraordinary imagery for outdoor enthusiasts

The Korean market leader is now setting about to conquer the European market with its premium products, which are especially designed for the West. These products, paired with this video’s astonishing imagery made up of quick and extraordinary cuts, BLACKYAK is showing what it stands for: the intertwining of extraordinary outdoor experiences and high-tech materials, able to serve even the highest of demands.

But you can see for yourselves.