
You need this equipment if you want to run in the dark

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"See and be seen" is the motto of many a grand boulevard or celebrity event. However, the slogan only really becomes important without an audience: when running before or after dark. This is what you should take with you and bear in mind when jogging in the dark.

Laufen bei Dunkelheit? Mit der richtigen Ausrüstung kein Problem.
Laufen bei Dunkelheit? Mit der richtigen Ausrüstung kein Problem.

You don't necessarily have to be a sports freak to run outside in the dark. After all, the sun disappears behind the horizon before 4 pm in December and doesn't show its face again until after 8 am. If you want to run outside in daylight, you have to be on night duty or abuse your boss's tolerance.



Now running in the dark is not so bad once you have completed the very first few laps. The air is clear, the traffic is quiet and most of the trails belong to the runner alone. As long as the equipment, fitness and health are right, night running definitely has its advantages. The equipment must guarantee three things: Visibility, visibility and protection from the cold.

Sufficient light when running in the dark

The headlamp is the most important piece of equipment for night runners. Good visibility is not only important for your own safety, but also for your perception of safety. As the brightness increases, the noises in the bushes become quieter - a fact without scientific proof.

If you often run in the dark or have to cross particularly dark passages, you should invest a few extra euros in a headlamp. You can quickly go from a five-euro sparkler with the effect of a cell phone display to a high-tech headlamp with over 600 lumens and a range of 90 meters - and it weighs just a few grams. However, a light cone of around five to seven meters is completely sufficient.

When it comes to weight, you should make sure that the batteries don't weigh you down unnecessarily - the consumption of LEDs is low, so you don't need a huge battery compartment. Weight distribution is also important. The lamp's center of gravity should be as close to your head as possible when running.

A good lamp is also essential for anyone who runs on unpaved paths in the evening or in the morning.



Be seen when running - high visibility vests and reflectors

Runners should do everything possible to stand out in the dark. First of all, this is a question of your own safety, but it is also about mutual consideration. If a runner in dark clothing appears unexpectedly on the road, cyclists or car drivers hardly have a chance to brake. A collision between two runners can also result in damage and injuries. Therefore, visibility beats all fashion considerations and it is better to overdo it than underdo it. Your equipment should include a fluorescent vest (high-visibility vest, signal vest) and reflective strips on trousers, jacket and shoes - in accordance with DIN EN 471.

Running in the cold and bad weather

A problem rarely comes alone and so the darkness in fall and winter is often accompanied by cold, rain or snow. Functional clothing based on the "onion principle" can protect your health and prevent you from freezing while running. However, it is important to ensure that the reflectors can still do their job, i.e. that they do not disappear under one of the top layers.

A hat (preferably with a visor) is also recommended in milder temperatures, as it prevents glare from your own headlamp or oncoming traffic. At the same time, it prevents unwanted heat radiation over the head. It is true that the claim that people emit 40 percent or more of their heat through their heads is ultimately a legend. But there is still some truth to it: on the one hand, the rest of the body is usually well wrapped and therefore insulated. On the other hand, the cold is particularly noticeable on the head.

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