
Rolf G. Schmid leaves Mammut

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Mammut Sports Group is parting ways with CEO Rolf G. Schmid: The Outdoor company announced that Schmid wants to take a new direction in his career and therefore both parties separated with mutual consent. He also had to step down from his position at Conzzeta AG, a Swiss holding company of Mammut.

Turned the Mammut Sports Group into a world leader in the mountain sports sector and is now stepping down as CEO: Rolf G. Schmid.
Turned the Mammut Sports Group into a world leader in the mountain sports sector and is now stepping down as CEO: Rolf G. Schmid.

The Swiss company is already looking for a successor. Until a new CEO is found, Schmid will continue to carry out his function. At the end of 2015 Schmid presented his strategy for the future on ISPO.com.

Ernst Bärtschi, chairman oft the Board of Directors of Conzzeta AG says: “Rolf G. Schmid has helped establish Mammut as a strong and successful brand. He has been behind spectacular marketing campaigns that have had a great impact in the industry and beyond. We are grateful that Rolf G. Schmid will stand by Mammut Sport Group during the transition and that he will continue to support the implementation of the agreed strategy in an advisory role. We wish him every success in his future career.”



Schmid turned the Mammut Sports Group from a small niche market player to a big player in the outdoor industry. 1996 Schmid started as Head of the Sports Division at the Conzzeta Group. From now on Schmid wants to work as freelance business management and strategic marketing consultant as well as a consultant for the board of directors.

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