EOG Carbon Reduction Project – A Collaborative Approach to Decarbonisation in the Outdoor Industry Supply Chain

  • Dienstag, 04. Juni 2024
    14:00 - 14:45 Uhr
    Add to Calendar2024-06-04 14:00:002024-06-04 14:45:00EOG Carbon Reduction Project – A Collaborative Approach to Decarbonisation in the Outdoor Industry Supply ChainGreen Stage (A3.526)Ispo.comEurope/Berlinpublic
  • Event location
    Messe München, Halle A3, Green Stage (A3.526)
  • Ereignis
  • Keynote
  • Thema
  • Track / Segment
The EOG Carbon Reduction Project is a pre-competitive outdoor industry programme that is aligned to the climate science recommendations that were set out in the Paris Agreement, namely, to measure emissions, identify hotspots, develop a plan, and take action. The project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to increase the use of renewable energy in the outdoor industry supply chain. In the session we will present the project methodology, reflect on major challenges and the milestones we achieved. Vaude, member of the pilot group, managed to reduce it’s worldwide greenhouse gas emissions by 30% in 2023 compared to the baseline year 2019 and will present from the brand perspective the measurable success of the project.
  • Verity Hardy
    Dr. Verity Hardy
    European Outdoor Group
  • Leonie Lennartz