TriEye TriEye

Gold Winner | Outdoor Biking


Keeping an eye on the following traffic when riding your bicycle can be a challenge without a mirror. Also, turning your head to see behind can be both difficult and sometimes dangerous. TriEye is new bicycle eyewear with an integrated rearview mirror that lets you keep an eye on the road behind you when biking with just a simple tilt of your head.

Available from: December 2018

Retail Price: 99.00 EUR

Jury Statement

"A simple, practical, thoughtful way to solve an old safety issue. For me, the essence of innovation – a clever solution to a real problem."

Cathy O'Dowd, Mountaineer


Keep the overview.

Riding a bike and knowing what is behind you gives both safer riding and peace of mind, especially for people that are less used to bike and feel less safe in the traffic. TriEye is giving people an easy option to see upcoming traffic behind and if necessary take proper action to avoid dangerous situations.

Brand Information


Fjordveien 65

3490 Klokkarstua
